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DEA Comments Submitted
As the Hemp Law and the 'Interim Final Rule' (IFR) made its way to the desks of multiple agencies, each had it's own separate comment...
Hemp Comments Submitted to USDA
Upon the publishing of the Interim Final Rule (IFR), the USDA opened a Public Comment Period to solicit feedback from farmers and...
0.3 - FDA's Regulation Enforcement Transcends Industry
We all know that the Farm Bill defines hemp as containing .0.3% THC on a dry weight basis. But did you know that 0.3 is also the number...
POLITICO: Prominently Features The Hemp Guy
POLITICO: Ben Droz used to be the best-known hemp lobbyist in Washington- strolling around the Capitol in hemp clothing and sporting a...
Hemp Banking Regulatory Alert
Banking regulators have had increasing pressure from Congress, including letters from Senate Leader McConnell and longtime hemp champion...
DC Radio Interview - "Cannabis Conversations"
DC Radio Interview - "Cannabis Conversations" with Ben Droz In Washington, DC, cannabis is legal possess, use, and even grow yourself, in...
Podcast Interview - That's the Angle
"That's The Angle" Podcast: Ben Droz, Cannabis Lobbyist On July 10, I attended an historic cannabis hearing on Capitol Hill. When I got...
Senate Hearing on Federal Hemp Regulations
Published in HEMP Magazine: It’s...
Victory for Hemp: A Decade of Hill Advocacy
A federal hemp lobbyist recounts the decade he worked for hemp legalization on Capitol Hill, culminating with the 2018 Farm Bill, and...
Hemp Hearing in the Senate
On July 25th, the Senate Agriculture Committee held a landmark hearing on hemp production and the 2018 Farm Bill. The hearing began with...
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