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The Hemp Guy
Hemp News
About THG
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The Hemp Guy
federal hemp lobbyist since 2008
ontributing editor, writer, photographer
consultant, advisor, speaker, emcee
washington, dc + us & global networks
About the hemp guy
brief bio
Hemp Banking Regulatory Alert
Banking regulators have had increasing pressure from Congress, including letters from Senate Leader McConnell and longtime hemp champion...
DC Radio Interview - "Cannabis Conversations"
DC Radio Interview - "Cannabis Conversations" with Ben Droz In Washington, DC, cannabis is legal possess, use, and even grow yourself, in...
Podcast Interview - That's the Angle
"That's The Angle" Podcast: Ben Droz, Cannabis Lobbyist On July 10, I attended an historic cannabis hearing on Capitol Hill. When I got...
Senate Hearing on Federal Hemp Regulations
Published in HEMP Magazine: It’s...
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